PhoneFix phone repairs: +370 681 62157

  • Vilnius

    S.Žukausko g. 1
  • Monday - Saturday

    I-V 10:00-18:00 VI 11:00-16:00

Samsung S7 remontas

We work hard every day to maintain our customers' trust. We know how much trouble a faulty phone can cause, so we take an individual and responsible approach to every repair. We'll guarantee your phone for at least 3 months and offer you the lowest repair price.

Book a time - get a discount

    Telephone malfunctionPrice
    Samsung S7 lietimui jautraus stikliukoPlease enquire.
    Samsung S7 screen replacementPlease enquire.
    Replacing the back coverPlease enquire.
    Replacing the MAC34€
    Changing the charging socketPlease enquire.

    Call the courier to send the device

      Choose a date
      (For example: I want you to seal the safety glass and add a tray)

      We are professionals in our field and perform standard repairs within an hour. To find out the exact duration of the repair, please contact us at contact number +37068162157 or email
      Can't come? We will come to you ourselves!
      If you do not have the opportunity to deliver the device for repair, we can take it ourselves. For possibilities to use this service, please contact us at +37068162157 or
      Quality guarantee. High qualification of technicians.
      Our team consists of specialists with many years of experience. When performing any repair work, we take responsibility for quality. All work is guaranteed for at least 3 months.
      Replacement phone - FREE.
      We understand how important your phone is to you, so we will always provide a replacement phone for the repair period. Most importantly - FREE!
      Repair of insured Samsung phones.
      Is your phone insured? Great. We have all the necessary qualifications and expertise to repair insured phones. We will prepare all the necessary insurance documents: invoices, defect certificates, completed work certificates. No worries for you.

      PhoneFix LT specializes in repairing SAMSUNG phones.

      • Our service centre will provide you with the highest level of SAMSUNG phone repair services. Our team includes qualified technicians with many years of experience in this field. We always strive for the highest quality repairs, which is why we invest in the latest repair equipment. Today, in addition to standard repairs (screen replacements, charging socket repairs, etc.), our service centre is also able to carry out the most complex motherboard repairs, data recovery from mobile phones in critical condition

      What are the benefits of choosing PhoneFix?

      • •We are an experienced and trusted company. We will do our best to make your experience with our service flawless.
      • • We will give you an additional discount after reserving time for repairs.
      • • When you choose to repair your phone in our service, you will be reassured that each step of the repair will be carried out only after receiving your consent.
      • •After repair, the work done will be guaranteed for at least 3 months.
      • - We'll always give you a spare phone so you don't have the hassle of a faulty phone. Most importantly - for free!
      • • If you do not have time to deliver the device directly to our service, we will take your phone directly from your hands.
      • -If your phone has several defects that need to be fixed, we will apply a discount.
      • • If we cannot tell you the repair price right away, we will inform you about it after the examination. We will perform the expertise for FREE!
      • • We will advise you on how to protect your phone in order to avoid such and similar defects in the future. You will also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of cases and screen protectors.

      Can you take and return the phone right out of my hands?

      Yes. We will provide more information about this at +37068162157

      My phone is insured. Do you work with insurance?

      Yes. We have all the necessary qualifications and expertise to repair insured phones. We will prepare all the necessary insurance documents: invoices, defect certificates, completed work certificates. No worries for you.

      My phone won't turn on. Is there a cost to fix the fault?

      No. If we cannot determine the price of your phone repair immediately, then we will inform you of the price after the inspection. If you decide not to repair, you will not have to pay anything.

      Technologijų kompanija Samsung Electronics, savo telefoną Samsung Galaxy S7 pristatė 2016 metų pradžioje. Lyginant su ankstesniais Galaxy telefonais, S7 turėjo: didesnę bateriją, IP68 atsparumo vandeniui sertifikatą, palaikė microSD atminties korteles bei turėjo šiek tiek storesnį korpusą. Dizaino prasme, telefonas atrodo labai panašiai, todėl tik pačiupinėjus arba įsižiūrėjus iš arti galima atskirti Samsung S7 nuo S6. Per pirmąjį ketvirtį nuo paleidimo, Samsung pardavė apie 50 milijonų įvairiausių S7 telefono versijų.

      Phonefix – specializuota taisykla, remontuojanti kone visų modelių Samsung telefonus, įskaitant ir Galaxy S7.

      Phonefix taisykla gali greitai ir kokybiškai suremontuoti jūsų asmeninį, įmonės ar net apdraustą telefoną. Jeigu yra poreikis, galime atvykti į jūsų vietą ir paimti telefoną bei po remonto jį grąžinti tiesiai į rankas. Dėl tokios paslaugos reikia teirautis individualiai.

      Greitas ir kokybiškas Samsung S7 taisymas

      Tuos klientus, kuriuos domina greitai ir kokybiškai atliekamas Samsung S7 remontas Vilniuje, maloniai kviečiame kreiptis į Phonefix. Mes atliekame beveik visų pobūdžių remonto darbus. Greičiausiai atliekamas taisymas (pvz., Samsung S7 baterijos keitimas ar ekrano keitimas) gali užtrukti vos vieną ar kelias valandas. Remontui trunkant ilgiau galėsime viso remontavimo laikotarpiui suteikti ir pakaitinį telefoną, kad jums nekiltų nepatogumų.

      Samsung S7 remontas atliekamas patrauklia kaina, o visus pastovius įkainius rasite šio puslapio kainoraštyje. Svarbu paminėti ir tai, kad Samsung išmaniųjų remontą atlieka patyrę technikai. Dirbdami su geriausia technika ir turėdami reikalingas žinias jie užtikrina, kad remontas praeitų sklandžiai ir sėkmingai, o dėka didelės spartos darbai kainuotų net pigiau nei kitose taisyklose.

      Samsung S7 screen replacement

      Samsung S7 ekrano keitimas svarbus tuomet, kai ekranas pažeidžiamas arba sudaužomas. Specialistams toks Samsung S7 remontas Vilniuje tikrai nėra sudėtingas, tačiau patiems to daryti tikrai nepatariame.

      Ekranus ar lietimui jautrius stikliukus Samsung Galaxy telefonams keičiame pigiau nei daugumoje kitų taisyklų. Be to, rezervavus laiką iš ankstopritaikysime akciją, tad Samsung S7 remontas bus atliktas žemesne kaina.

      Samsung S7 baterijos keitimas

      Samsung S7 baterijos keitimas atliekamas tuomet, kai dėl pernelyg greitai išsekančio akumuliatoriaus nebėra įmanoma sklandžiai naudotis telefonu. Kadangi naujos kartos Samsung Galaxy S serijos telefonų baterija nebėra išimama, ją keisti turėtų tik nusimanantys meistrai. Samsung S7 baterijos remontas Vilniuje nėra pernelyg brangus bei užima vos porą valandų laiko. Kreipkitės dėl jo ir mes padėsime rasti sprendimą.

      Service at a good price!

      Remontuojame Samsung telefonus pagal moderniausias praktikas ir taip pat greitai sutvarkome visų Samsung Galaxy S serijos telefonų gedimus. Samsung S7 remontas Vilniuje bus atliktas vos per porą valandų, o paslaugas suteiksime gera kaina.

      You are in good hands. We are already trusted.

      We are ready to help you too. Get in touch for the best offer!
